Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday 45 (The Seductive Muse)

The Seductive Muse

Is strong, creative, beautiful and driven to creative projects that show the world who she is. She is able to stay cool under pressure, usually seeing the simplest solution to the biggest problems. She often desires a deep connection of love with one man but cannot give up the thrill of the chase. Needs many relationships and experiences to feel alive. Her open sexual nature and the power it gives her generally gives this kind of character a bad rap in the real world. This open sexuality often causes her problems when she looks to get married or start a family. May often find herself in the role of mistress as it is difficult for men to see her as a wife and mother, despite her charm. Sex seems to be the answer and root of all her problems.

She cares about the intimate parts of a relationship and loves being in control. She doesn't openly dominate men, but will manipulate them with her charm. She can read body language well and often tries to awaken those hidden desires in her partners and friends. She will construct a wall if she has been hurt by a lover, convincing herself that someone better is just around the corner. Friendships with other women are important, but rarely does she have a true best friend. She wants other women to express their sexuality as openly as she does, but only other Seductive Muses can truly understand her intensity and appreciate it. This also makes it harder for her to understand the other archetypes.

She fears losing her sexuality, allure and creativity. Rejection of any kind would be a huge blow to her ego, especially if it comes from a lover. She always wants to be the one who ends the relationship because her charm over men is what gives her power. Aging is her enemy. It would feel like the end for her. She may not get married but fear of isolation definitely fuels her need for people and attention. She might be afraid that other women hate her for the attention she receives, but she hates more not being the center of it. She is best suited to befriend Amazons, who are just as extroverted but also protective of her, like a big sister, and with Maidens who look up to her. If she is around other Seductive Muses, their friendships become competitive very fast.

Motivation for her is an urge to create and it doesn't matter whether she is publicly recognized for that creation or not. The need to produce things and experience life to the fullest is deeply rooted within her. She wears alluring clothes and is mostly likely always ahead of the trends. Everything about her ensemble will appear to be perfect and always has an inner glow or star quality that cannot be denied.

Developing her character arc: She will want to be recognized for her brain instead of just her beauty. She might have to learn that physical looks are temporary and superficial. She will want a true soul mate who sees her for who she really is. She will also need to learn to plan for the future instead of always living for the moment. To grow, she is best paired with one of the following;

The Woman's Man: He is capable of teaching her to value herself for her mind and spirit as well as her body.

The Messiah: He can teach her how to channel her sexual energy to advance spiritually.

The Recluse and Mystic: He can teach her to know herself deep down inside or how to be alone without fear of abandonment.

The Amazon: he can teach her how to set limits and accept discipline as a positive in her life.

Assets: Loves to be the center of attention, has a need to express herself, smart, creative, emotional, loves herself and body in a healthy way, loves to dress up and wear alluring clothes, enjoys sex, enjoys female friendships, encourages other women to be creative and sexual, inspires men.

Flaws: Is unable to do things alone, lives for the moment, never thinking or planning for the future, falls in and out of love easily, is manipulative and flirtatious, is impulsive and promiscuous, is very self-focused.


Samantha Jones from Sex and the City (Kim Cattrall)

Vivian Ward from Pretty Woman (Julia Roberts)

Marilyn Monroe

Do you have a character who fits into the Seductive Muse role?


Abby Fowers

I wish I had someone to fit that role right now. But I think it will help me as I start some new character outlines. I love your examples. So cool!

Ava Z.

I don't have any main characters who are a seductive muse. Most of my characters are all learning and growing into themselves. So they are much less confident and open. But, I do tend to make the Seductive Muse my main character's best friend.

Good luck with your new character outlines, Abby!


I don't right now, but this was a great explanation! I'm bookmarking :)

Ava Z.

Glad you found it helpful, WritingNut! I plan to post a new character archetype each Friday until I'm finished with the book.

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